real pittsburgh fuzz, est. 2023

home | about | music | shows | merch

you can listen to all of our music released so far **for free** on this page. if you can figure out how to download the MP3s from here, go ahead. if for some reason your browser doesn't support the audio players (it's 2024 though, c'mon), shoot me an email and i can get them to you via zip. if you want to send us something to support the jams, you can drop it directly to us on our ko-fi:

fuck the middle man, fuck the corporations, support bands directly!

if you do feel like going elsewhere, here's the bandcamp & the soundcloud.

"lift hill soundtrack 2"


"natural devotion 3"


"split" (w/ vien kohl)



"god" (single)


"lift hill soundtrack"


"valid" (early version)
