real pittsburgh fuzz, est. 2023

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what started from the ashes of brianna snider's old emo project has turned into a face-melting, off-kilter shoegaze band brake run. teaming up with drummer brad meadows and bassist matt leetz, bri and the crew vow to bring all of the weird and loud energy they can to each show and record. "lift hill soundtrack 2", the follow up EP to 2023's debut showcases three songs that pack that punch. recorded by the band in their basement-turned-practice-space, the raw energy that exudes from "valid" and "damsel" is a real-time look at the band in this moment in time. a breakbeat-filled interlude & spirit of the beehive nod "natural devotion 3" is sandwiched between, forcing momentum and noise to its absolute peak. brake run is here to stay & their "weirdo shoegazer" energy is sure to make an impact in every room they play.

find us on bandcamp, instagram, twitter, spotify, and apple music.


"With lift hill 2, the follow-up to brake run’s debut EP from last May, they get even weirder with it. The Pittsburgh duo rework 'valid' from their debut to be even louder and heavier, then follow it up with the instrumental 'natural devotion 3,' which sounds like Aphex Twin by way of Draag. Closer 'damsel' gets so unexpectedly loud at one point I thought my laptop was broken. It’s a great tape, and when brake run drops a full-length it’s going to rule."

-zac djamoos, the alternative

"Blending elements of heavy shoegaze with slowcore, this composition pushes the limits of your speakers, enveloping you in a wall of white noise and an ultra dark atmosphere. It evokes a unique sense of claustrophobia, which may not resonate with everyone, but undoubtedly appeals to those seeking unconventional shoegaze music."

-last day deaf